What we do

Equal Say is an independent advocacy organisation working across Lanarkshire. In North Lanarkshire, we work with any adult (aged 16 to 64) with mental ill health, learning disability, addictions, long-term condition or physical disability.

In South Lanarkshire we work with adults (aged 16 plus, including older adults) with mental ill health, learning disability, addictions, long-term condition or physical disability. Independence is important to us as unlike other organisations who help stick up for people’s rights; we do not do anything else except provide advocacy.

This means we are as free as we can be from any conflicts of interest and we will stand by a person and help them to have their say without any fear that it will disadvantage Equal Say.

In South Lanarkshire Council area we have a team of 12 advocacy workers and across our various projects in North Lanarkshire, we have 12 advocacy workers.